Delivery of PDFs

I established this on-line store using Shopify for the delivery of the Marketing Blueprint documents and supporting materials. Shopify is a trusted and highly effective platform for delivering digital information products.

My objective is to make the payment and delivery of my PDFs as secure and dependable as possible. Email addresses are housed through Shopify and will never be given to third parties or used for delivering unsolicited emails.

We are not a faceless on-line transactor. There are multiple ways to contact me using email, LinkedIn, Twitter, phone, etc.

Note: Shopify requires a billing address be provided for all paid transactions, including the delivery of digital information products. This is to ensure they are PCI compliant - the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. We will never use or disclose this billing information and adhere to our privacy obligations. (Refer to Privacy Statement.)

Free downloads: you do not need to provide a billing address at the pay cart - skip this section. Click the Buy button for the download ( you are buying it for $0.)